Judging by the performances that we’ve been witnessing lately, you can tell the indoor campaign is getting closer to the championship season. It’s one that technically begins this weekend with the MSTCA Division State Relays.
This past weekend most of our track & field athletes remained at home with the Northeast Invitational at Reggie Lewis. A few also ventured out to New Haven, Conn., for the Yale Track Classic. The results at both meets proved successful.
For this week’s HOKA Athletes of the Week, we’re picking one from each of those competitions. Congratulations to Brookline’s distance medley relay and Pembroke’s Sarah Claflin, our respective male and female recipients of this week’s honor.
At the Yale Track Classic, Brookline’s quartet of Altamo Aschkenesay (1,200 meters, 3 minutes, 12 seconds), Andrew Bamberg (400m, 51.12), Cameron Walter (800m, 1:59.0) and Kailas Ciatto (1,600m, 4:28.3). finished third overall in 10:31.12. That effort currently ranks No. 3 in the country.
As for Claflin, the Pembroke senior had a busy, and hugely-successful day during the third and final day of the Northeast Invitational. Claflin won three events. She clocked a state-leading 7.15 in the 55m dash. She also captured the 200m (25.66) and the long jump (17 feet, 5 inches), whiched are ranked second and seventh in the state right now.