MSTCA X-C Relays, Clipper Relays Results

In addition to the Vineyard X-C Invitational, a pair of Relays events began the season last weekend with the MSTCA X-C Relays (4.6 miles) and the Clippers Relays (6 miles). Below are the results of the top teams in each race and links to the full results. Co-Ed (2 girls, 1 boy) Relay Co-Ed (2 […]
Milestone 2,000 For MA’s Most Dedicated X-C Fan, Mike Mahon

With more than two decades covering high school track and cross-country, yours truly has been to his share of meets. In any given year, particularly the last decade, I’d estimate an average of 60-70 meets per year. Excluding our countless dedicated coaches and parents out there, I used to think there was no one more […]
HOKA Male Athlete Of The Week: Thomas Corbett, Norwell

The first weekend of statewide competition was a busy one with the MSTCA XC Relays, Clipper Relays and the Vineyard X-C Invitational all taking place this past Saturday With the first few meets in the books, it also marks the beginning of our HOKA Athlete of the Week feature where we recognize the top performances […]
HOKA Female Athlete Of The Week: Abby Flagg, Whitinsville Christian

The first weekend of statewide competition was a busy one with the MSTCA XC Relays, Clipper Relays and the Vineyard X-C Invitational all taking pplace this past Saturday With the first few meets in the books, it also marks the beginning of our HOKA Athlete of the Week feature where we recognize the top performances […]