Vineyard XC Invitational
September 7, 2024
Hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High Cross Country Team
3K Freshmen COED
5K JV and Varsity.
7 runners only in the varsity race, unlimited #’s in the freshmen and junior varsity. Both courses are all off road over varied terrain, relatively flat.
Self-guided preview will be from 9:30 am -10:45 am. This meet is sanctioned by the MIAA and the bordering states of RI and CT.
Transportation information on page 2
Race order
11:30 5K JV GIRLS
12:15 5K JV BOYS
12:45 5K VARSITY GIRLS – 7 runners max.
1:15 5K VARSITY BOYS – 7 runners max.
(time may be adjusted)
Co-Ed Freshmen: top 15 boys and top 15 girls for a total of 30
JV: top 25 individuals
Varsity: top 15 individuals
You must enter a Varsity team in order to run in the JV and or the Freshmen race.
Race merchandise and concessions will be available for purchase on site. Please support our boosters.
All entries will be accomplished through Athletic.net You must have an account, username and password to enter if you don’t already have one. Make sure your roster is up to date before the deadline. Add the meet to your calendar then do your entries.
ENTRY DEADLINE IS 11:59 pm Wednesday, September 4.
ENTRY FEE IS $175 PER SCHOOL PER GENDER. IF YOU ENTER A BOYS AND GIRLS TEAM FEE IS $325. INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES $35. (less than 5). Please provide proof of payment, such as a PO or check upon arrival. No race #’s will be issued without proof of payment. We will provide an invoice and W9 for your business manager
Go Vineyard Running Inc. Tax ID # 83-1182783 – this is our booster club. PO BOX 240 Vineyard Haven MA 02568
Transportation to Martha’s Vineyard is best accomplished by sailing from Woods Hole via The Steamship Authority https://www.steamshipauthority.com/ Group rates are very reasonable ($6.00/ student round trip). Please contact the Steamship ahead of time to arrange for a group rate (508-548-5011 ext 244 or 344). Teams will need to take either the 8:15 am, 8:35 or the 9:30 am boats in order to arrive in time for the 1st race. The boat ride is 45 min. and the school is 10 min. away from either Vineyard Haven (8:15) or Oak Bluffs (8:35, 9:30) terminals. Make sure you are looking at the appropriate boat schedule for the date traveling! Buses will be provided for transportation to and from the school to either terminal.
For south coast area or CT/RI teams, the fast ferry from New Bedford https://seastreak.com/ may be an option. There is an 8:45 am that arrives at 9:35 in Oak Bluffs.
Please use this link to indicate which ferry you are on and the number of athletes competing. https://forms.gle/EAwsQAgPohJgty5T7
Coach Joe Schroeder at 508-648-9027 (cell).
Email joeml@comcast.net or jschroeder@mvyps.org
Athletic Director Mark McCarthy
MVRHS: 508-693-1033 ext 5.
Buses on the mainland (Woods Hole)
For school buses taking participants to the SSA Woods Hole terminal, they will be instructed to park offsite. The best place is the Falmouth mall. There is no parking in Woods Hole!
Other boat information
If you are worried about getting across after the meet, it is always better to sail out of Vineyard Haven on the way back. The docks in Oak Bluffs are more susceptible to weather conditions should they arise. Please call the Steamship Authority ahead of time to check sailing conditions before you are ready to leave the island. I will try to get up to date boat information at the conclusion of the meet.